Welecome to Chinese Bible Church of Maryland Chinese School

本地中文學校教育甚為發達,父母送子女學習中文的意願相當強烈,而且因著中國崛起,許多成人(English Speaking)也有學習中文的需要。教會設立中文學校,正好順應這股潮流。教會中文學校自二零零七年九月九日開辦以來,受到教會弟兄姊妹們,前中華中文學校的家長們,與部份因看到廣告而來的社區人士們的熱烈迴響,學生註冊人數超出預期。目前共有12班163位學生於星期天下午在教會上中文課。我們不但教中文,更有一般中文學校所沒有的福音內容,與一群有愛心,耐心,與熱心的教師團隊。她們具備豐富的教學經驗,提供高品質的中文教育給我們的子弟們。

Chinese Education in this metropolitan area is well established. Many parents have strong desire for their children to learn Chinese. English-speaking adults also feel the need to learn Chinese due to the development of China in recent years. Our church established a Chinese school on September 9, 2007 for some of the above reasons. We have received warm reception from those at our church, parents of the previous Chung Hwa Chinese School, and others in the community. The number of students registered exceeded our expectation: we have 163 students in 12 classes which meet on Sunday afternoon. We have a teaching team with love, patience, and enthusiasm. Their rich teaching experiences enrich students with a high quality Chinese education.


  1. 小學部(包括幼兒班, 共六班))使用斯坦福教材,簡繁並行,並以漢語拼音輔助教學。
  2. 初高中班(兩班),則以SATII中文為導向,自編教材。
  3. 中文會話班有成人,青少年,與MSL(Mandarin as Second Language四班。

At the present, our Chinese school education can be divided into 3 systems:

  1. Elementary (including preschool, 6 classes in total): using Stanford materials, including both simplified and traditional characters, and Chinese phonetic.
  2. Middle school and high school (2 classes in total): follow the direction of SAT II with self-edited materials with traditional characters only.
  3. Conversation classes (4 classes in total): including adults, teens, and MSL (teaching Mandarin as a Second Language) A & B.

其它課程包括: 計算機編程(1-2PM),籃球(4-5PM),羽毛球(4-5PM),編織(4-5PM),公共演講(週四晚網課)等

Computer programming (1-2PM), basketball (4-5PM), badminton (4-5PM), crocheting (4-5PM), Public Speaking (in English, Thursdays 7-8:30PM, virtually)


As a Chinese church, we feel the need to help our younger generations to understand some Chinese culture. Others may differ from our view in having children learn Chinese. However, as learning Chinese becomes a popular trend, there is value in knowing Chinese. By offering Chinese education in a Chinese church, we attempt to help our next generation to properly understand Chinese culture from a Biblical viewpoint.

中文學校同時也積極開辦課外活動課程,來幫助有需要的家長們與社區人士。目前共有十七位參加二胡班 也有三十位家長們參加英文班 課外活動課程以服務家長與社區人士為主。希望透過這些課程與社區結合,使更多的朋友願走進教會。週日下午,在熙來嚷往的人群中,您會看見許多您不認識的朋友,這些都是您可交談的福音對象。

CBCM-CS also offers many extracurricular activities which aim is to enrich parents and others in the community. We have 17 signed up for Er-Hu class and 30 parents in the English class. When you see unfamiliar faces on Sunday afternoon, please feel free to chat with them and befriend them.


CBCM-CS has a PTA (Parent-Teacher Association), which is a crucial link in a Chinese school. Its main function is to assist the school in its teaching and other activities. From 1:45 pm each Sunday afternoon, parents on duty help set up tables, chairs, TV/DVD in the classrooms, ringing the bell, preparing tea and calligraphy materials, cleaning up and supporting in-school and inter-school activities. The enthusiastic participation of parents enhances the growth of the school. Parents may choose to participate in the extra-curricular activities or help the school after they drop off their children. CBCM-CS also provides much convenience to those from our church as they save much travel time transporting their children.


We trust CBCM-CS has a significant part in our church’s long-term vision, especially in reaching out to the Chinese community, participating in short-term missions. In addition, Chinese School plans to cooperate long-term with our children department by supporting VBS in the summer and provide language teaching and cultural activities to strengthen the ministry among children.

教會舉辦中文學校並非一時的權宜之計,而是希望對本地華人社區能產生一定的影響。正當教會要實行五個焦點事工之時,中文學校可成為宣教事工焦點上,地方社區的福音管道,落實教會向社區傳福音的策略。中文學校不但可多方面接觸未信主的朋友,也可高舉教會大旗,以CBCM-CS (馬利蘭中華聖經教會中文學校)名義成為福音的觸角,積極參與華人社區的活動,正如主耶穌的教導,產生鹽與光的作用,來影響社區,進而達成社區宣教的目標。中文學校可說是教會在社區,從Inward到Outward的重要指標。根據2004年人口普查,蒙郡有四萬二千人說華語,全大華盛頓地區約有十二萬至十五萬人說華語,而在星期天華人上教堂的人數,可能不到五千人,我們所在的地區就是一個廣大的禾場,我們的骨肉之親,其實就在我們的周圍。

We also believe CBCM-CS have a positive influence in the Chinese community. As our church attempts to implement the five ministry foci, Chinese School can become a means in reaching out to the community through participating in their activities, and as a result become salt and light among people so to reach our goal of community evangelism. In a sense, CBCM-CS helps us move from being focus inward to outward in the community. According to the 2004 census, Montgomery County had a population of 42,000 who speak Chinese and 120,000 to 150,000 in the Washington Metropolitan area, yet there are less than 5,000 who attend church any given Sunday. Our community is a huge mission field.






On Sunday afternoon, you may hear Chinese spoken everywhere in our church. You can tell:

Students learn Chinese enthusiastically.

Teachers teach Chinese diligently.

Parents participate wholeheartedly.

Coworkers serve passionately.

胡江教務長 (cbcmcs.adm@gmail.com)。

Should you need more information about CBCM-CS, please contact Mingliang Tan, Jessica Hu at